Body Code with Tess Craig CECP CBCP
Certified Body Code Practitioner & Kinesiologist
Her journey in the complementary therapy field began over 20 years ago with Reiki and Crystal healing, Integrated Energy Therapy among others, but it wasn’t until she started studying Kinesiology that Tess knew this is what she had been looking for. Shortly after, Tess discovered the Emotion Code and the Body code by Dr. Bradley Nelson and had her own heart wall removed using the Body Code and Emotion Code, she was amazed at how transformative it was which then inspired her to become a certified practitioner. She saw how quickly her clients were able to heal using this method, Tess helps her clients release their emotional baggage, release inherited negative trapped emotions, identify food intolerances, toxicities, deficiencies allowing the body and mind to heal itself from all types of pain and illness and improve all areas of their lives.
Prices – £80 per hour
For enquiries or please call Tess on 07414113177
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), often referred to simply as “Tapping”, is an alternative therapy that combines Modern Psychology with Ancient Chinese Acupressure. It is a practical self-help tool that involves the tapping on acupuncture points, whilst simultaneously bringing to mind targeted psychological or physical issues. Studies have shown EFT to be effective in treating stress, anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), phobias, addictions, physical pain and many other issues.
The theory behind EFT is that most physical, mental or emotional illnesses are caused by a disruption in the flow of energy as it travels through channels in the body, known as meridians. This disruption is generally caused by disturbing experiences or traumas, big or small, conscious or unconscious. EFT can help to rebalance the flow of energy, calm our nervous system and bring our body and mind into harmony. It can also be used to release limiting beliefs and negative habitual patterns, improve the sense of self worth and help with weight loss and sports performance.
EFT treatment involves the use of fingertips rather than needles to tap on the end points of energy meridians that are situated just beneath the surface of the skin, mostly those around the face and upper body. The treatment is non-invasive and works on the ethos of making change as simple and pain free as possible.
It is useful to learn the basic technique with a practitioner, but once familiar with it, it is a great self-help tool that is empowering and can be used anytime.
EFT first came to prominence in the 1990s when developer Gary Craig published information about the therapy on his website.
There have been relatively few studies on EFT, but the body of research has grown in recent years and can be found on EFT International’s website covering areas such as:
- Addiction
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Pain and Physical conditions
- PTSD & Trauma
- Phobias
- Stress
- Weight loss
How does it work?
As with acupuncture and acupressure, tapping involves the body’s energy meridian points, which are a concept in Chinese medicine. Proponents believe them to be areas of the body through which energy flows. It can also work in a similar way to mindfulness, as it can draw a person’s attention to their body and breathing. It may serve as a mental distraction from the issues that are causing anxiety or stress.
At Chelsea Natural Health we have two practitioners that practice EFT. Micki Rogers and Adriana Pop. Please follow the links to their pages for more information.
Hypnotherapy in Cheslea at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, 208 Fulham Rd., SW10
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy means the use of hypnosis for the treatment and relief of a variety of somatic and psychological problems. Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focused concentration. It is an altered state of consciousness into which you allow yourself to enter, with the guidance of a therapist.
You are in control all the time, you always know what is happening, and you can come out of the altered state at any time in the same way one can snap out of a vivid daydream.
Hypnotherapy can…
Hypnotherapy can help in the following areas:
- Stopping smoking
- Losing weight
- Behavioural adaptation e.g phobias, anxiety
- Stress management
- Sports and performance related issues
- Pain and psychosomatic control
How does hypnotherapy work?
Within the hypnotic state one can by-pass the barriers to our inner thoughts and feelings, and suggestions are acted upon much more powerfully than is possible in a normal state of mind.
Mental imagery can also be utilised to assist people to make changes in their lives. The subconscious mind does not distinguish between a real and imagined experiences, which is why dreams can feel real.
This phenomenon can be used so that clients can create new positive realities for themselves or alter their perception of past events which may affect current behaviour.
What will I feel?
The hypnotic state can feel as if you are dreaming or daydreaming and is a natural form of consciousness which many people experience on a daily basis.
For example if you have ever been so absorbed in a book or a film it has felt as if you are actually there, that is a form of hypnosis, as is the experience some people have when waking in the morning being aware of everything going on around them yet still being in a very relaxed dream like state.
During trance, you know exactly where you are the entire time. You can adjust your position, sneeze or cough. You can open your eyes and bring yourself out of trance at any time you wish.
Will I be in control?
Yes. Your thoughts and choices will always remain your own and even when hypnotised, you can still reject any of the suggestions given if they are not appropriate to you.
A hypnotherapist is ethically required to make only those suggestions that support agreed-upon outcomes. Suggestions given will stimulate your inner mind to the direction you want to go.
The treatment
Each session lasts an hour. The first session may be longer. How many times you need to visit depends on the nature of the issue. Sometimes one session is suffice, and sometimes more are required.
The benefits
There is a growing body of scientific knowledge, psychoneuro-immunology, which shows that the mind is directly linked to our immune systems, meaning that techniques used in hypnotherapy can also affect our physical as well as psychological and spiritual well-being.
Hypnosis is a natural, effective way of making contact with your inner self, transforming false beliefs and helping to create new ones that will truly support your well-being.
It is estimated that approximately 85% of people of all age groups will readily respond to clinical hypnotherapy. It is often successful when other, more conventional methods of treatment have failed.
Life Coaching with Yasmine Diba at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic
Life Coaching is a communication-method of providing an individual with structured, impartial support to implement specific strategies towards setting well-defined goals. With coaching, you can re-connect with your core values and needs. You can gradually feel more at ease, think better, feel more secure and take charge of your life.
Life Coaching is not therapy: it does not dwell on past mistakes or behaviours. Instead, it is forward-looking, inspiring you to draw on your natural strengths.
Yasmine Diba focuses on you as an individual to: build confidence; strengthen your motivation; rediscover your talents; deal with phobias; improve relationships; harmonise family- and parenting-dynamics; support you in career-changes; and maximize your performance.
Yasmine Diba is available on Thursday morning between 9am and 2pm. If you would like more information or to make an appointment please feel free to contact her using the form above, or call reception 02073523087
Matrix re-imprinting with Adriana Pop
A new EFT technique to change your relationship to your past and dramatically transform your physical and emotional health in the present Matrix Re-imprinting has some important enhancements to EFT. For example, with conventional EFT tapping on meridian end points is used to take the emotional intensity out of a past memory. What this produces is the ability to recall previously traumatic and stressful life memories without any emotional disruption or stress, which is obviously extremely useful, because negative past memories keep the body in a state of stress and can contribute to disease. With Matrix Reimprinting, the memory is also transformed – you can go into any past memory and say and do what you wished you’d said and done, bring in new resources and create and transform the picture you have of that memory. Matrix Reimprinting considers these negative past memories to be held as pictures or holograms in your body’s energy field. Until you transform them you keep tuning into them at a subconscious level, affecting your health, your wellbeing and your point of attraction. Changing the pictures creates both physical and emotional healing and enables you to attract more positive experiences into your life. Price £70/60mins
Mindfulness with Simon Heale
Mindfulness and meditation can change your life:
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention on purpose in the present moment, without judgment. It is simple but not easy. It is innate but underdeveloped. It is the heart of the body/mind connection. Put even more simply it is just awareness. Mindfulness is not a new idea, it is as old as humanity, however the practice of mindful awareness is several millennia old no matter what faith or religion you wish to investigate, the notion of quiet reflection has always been present.
Today, mindfulness is a business and as such in my humble view it has been diluted to the point that it is seen as a cure all for mental and emotional issues, a dip your toe in the water experience. This is not mindful awareness: to truly understand mindfulness you need only do one thing, sit and meditate every day, even once a day, for the rest of your life, and then you may get it.
Mindfulness is a part of meditation practice and only through regular practice will you begin to get how this awareness can begin to alter your life for the good. Big claim I know, but if there is anything that is unworkable in your life right now, habits, relationships, sense of stuckness, then by stepping back daily and bringing attention to what is real, then we may begin again to get a sense of control, choice and ultimately some freedom.
To find out more about this please contact Simon for
- either a 1-1 session or
- to join in on his weekly online meditation classes
- to join the introduction to meditation class in September
- to sign up for the 8 week MBSR course
Simon Heale
Meditation / Mindfulness
Phone: 07932 393972
Simon Heale has been offering free twice weekly online meditation sessions since the start of lockdown 1 in March 2020, as a short refuge during these challenging times. Every practice is recorded and uploaded onto his podcast The Snowglobe Project, here you have access to a growing number of short meditations based on Buddhist insight practices. These meditations will continue. to sign up to join the weekly sessions please contact Simon using the form below.
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Courses: MBSR and ACT
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme was devised by Jon Kabat-Zin during his tenure at the University of Massachusetts Medical Centre to assist people with pain and a range of conditions and life issues that were initially difficult to treat in a hospital setting. It uses a combination of mindfulness meditation body awareness, and yoga to help people become more mindful.
The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program consists of four or eight 1.5 -2 hour sessions over 8 consecutive weeks. These sessions are a balance of didactic teaching, experiential practice, and small and large group processing.
There is approximately an hour’s worth of daily homework assignments which include guided relaxation & meditation practices, reading, and written reflection exercises. What is important to understand is that your success in the program, whether that is to diminish your pain levels, stabilise your mood, or be less stressed, is directly related to your commitment to fully engage in the entire 8 week process, inside and outside of the classroom.
The essence of the course is the development of a more aware, engaged, and a values based fulfilled way of living.
Mindfulness is the practice of paying attention on purpose in the present moment, without judgment. It is simple but not easy. It is innate but underdeveloped. It is the heart of the body/mind connection. These eight weeks are a special opportunity to slow down and pay attention to how the body, mind, and emotions actually operate in real time, in each moment.
Through the formal practices of the body scan meditation, breath awareness, mindful movement, and mindful meditation, attention is directed inwardly. These are called formal practices as they require time and space outside of daily activities. They are restorative and help physiologically regulate the nervous system.
From the formal practices we increase our capacity to bring mindful awareness to ourselves in our daily life. This is sometimes called the informal practice of mindfulness because we don’t have to stop what we are normally doing to be mindful. This is key to the transformative potential of the program.
Stress reactivity, the feeling of being stressed and pressured, is in many cases a bad habit. The MBSR process encourages us to investigate our direct experiences of living, working, and relating and recognise the habit patterns that may be contributing to our suffering.
Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl sums up the MBSR learning process well by reminding us, “Between stimulus and response there’s a space, in that space lies our power to choose our response, in our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
The power to self-regulate the nervous system and the power to re-pattern our neurological pathways is now known to be measurable and teachable. The MBSR program has pioneered bringing these inner resources into a learnable format. Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction is an investment in your health and wellbeing long into the future.
Simon Heale’s unique addition to this programme is the application of ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, a mindfulness based model employed by psychotherapists and counsellors to treat mental health issues. the essence of ACT is to teach individuals a new framework to be with their thinking and physical symptoms including feelings, to change the relationship with them and to ultimate guide them towards a life of meaning and fulfilment. See Russ Harris for a good outline of ACT
When is the next MBSR course?
The next 8 part MBSR course over 8 weeks will begin in late September 2021. The course will most probably be an online training with hopefully some face to face work if regulations permit.
Corehealth: Cost £300. Concessions are available
Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, SW10 9PJ: Cost £350
I teach in small groups of 8-12 so places are limited and will go quickly.
If you are interested in finding out more about Mindfulness and how it can help you be with thoughts, feelings and sensations in a more helpful way, you can find articles here or you can call me on 07932 393972 and we can arrange a meeting..
To reserve your place or for more information contact Simon using the form below.
I hold a taster sessions throughout the year so please contact me to reserve your place on the next one.
The next taster is on Sunday 12th September 10-1130am