Tess Craig Dip. Kin Cecp Cbcp
Certified Body Code Practitioner & Kinesiologist
in Chelsea at Chelsea Natural Health Clinic, Fulham Rd, SW10.
Her journey in the complementary therapy field began over 20 years ago with Reiki and Crystal healing, Integrated Energy Therapy among others, but it wasn’t until she started studying Kinesiology that Tess knew this is what she had been looking for. Shortly after, Tess discovered the Emotion Code and the Body code by Dr. Bradley Nelson and had her own heart wall removed using the Body Code and Emotion Code, she was amazed at how transformative it was which then inspired her to become a certified practitioner. She saw how quickly her clients were able to heal using this method, Tess helps her clients release their emotional baggage, release inherited negative trapped emotions, identify food intolerances, toxicities, deficiencies allowing the body and mind to heal itself from all types of pain and illness and improve all areas of their lives.
For enquiries please call Tess on 07414113177
More information can be found here https://wellness-code.co.uk/about-me

- £80 PER HOUR